Yuko Suzuki
George Bernard Shaw once remarked: “Youth is wasted on the young.” Implied by this statement is the sentiment that people do not know how to value the moment. Yuko Suzuki’s show at The Phatory wrestles with this assessment, portraying childhood moments when the loss of innocence for children begins to occur. Her linear wooden cutouts of little girls capture the unselfconsciousness that children enjoy and that adults regretfully leave behind. As humorous as the behavior of these little girls seems, it is easy to feel a twinge of regret knowing how long their will to innocence will soon succumb to social pressure.
A Japanese native, Yuko Suzuki, moved to the United States in 1994. She received her BFA in Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts in 2001. Since graduation, Suzuki has exhibited in group shows at Goliath Visual Art Space, Marvelli Gallery, and the Body Archive Gallery.